Turf Talk By: Geoff Sheffield

The course is in great shape. The wetting agent applications have been working well for us. The months of July and August will be the full test for this product as the heat rises. Let’s hope the winds stay down as this is truly what dries out the course. We have been applying this on a bi-weekly basis for the greens and every 4 weeks for the fairways. 

The pump on Highland #4 is now running and supplying us with more water for our range and the golf course. You will notice the water level decrease. Please do not go looking for golf balls in this hazard as the bottom is quite muddy and slippery and therefore quite dangerous.

Many of you will notice that we are doing something to Highland #7 & 8 greens. Small round plugs are being removed and replaced. This is an attempt to control silver thread moss. This moss is an invasive species that we spray regularly to try and control. Our spray works but not enough to completely remove it. Our chemical use reduction strategy requires us to try more than one method of control. We will be finishing Highland #8 this week and will pause our attempts until it gets cooler out. 

Our water source is onsite from wells and the upper lake and its chemistry is not good as it contains too much sodium and calcium. This requires us to flush the greens 2 or 3 times per season to remove the sodium and calcium bi-carbonate build up. We have just done the 1st flush as many of you may notice the greens are softer and a lot wetter than usual. The greens will be back to their usual firmness shortly.

Remember to stay hydrated while you are golfing and enjoying our facility and thank you for your support.

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